Reserved Premium Restaurant Activity: Pie Five Pizza or Zweet TreatZ Bakery
Kids are inspired to create custom pizzas or cupcakes in a fun, fast and easy process and of course get to participate in the best part of the activity: eating the finished product!
Celebration Parade
Celebrate your party with the City of KidZania! Guests will participate in a fun and loud walk though KidZania streets in honor of the birthday child.
Meet & Greet
Meet KidZania RightZKeepers and receive a special photo op on your special day. Choose from our family of 6 characters!
Quest: The Secret Sauce Hunt / 6+
Find the secret sauce to become the world's most awesome kid! Visitors get clues from various establishments. They decode each clue to discover the secret.
Pizza: Pepperoni, Veggie, Cheese
Cupcakes, Cookies, Apple sause
Coke products, Water, Lemonade, Iced Tea, Milk, Juice
Reserved Premium Restaurant Activity: Pie Five Pizza or Zweet TreatZ Bakery
Kids are inspired to create custom pizzas, or cupcakes in a fun, fast and easy process and of course get to participate in the best part of the activity: eating the finished product!
Please fill out the form below and we will be happy to provide more information
B•KidZanian PaZZport
KidZ can become KidZania CitiZens by earning more kidZos and collecting stamps for mastering professions.